5th Annual "March Gladness"
An Intentional Act of Kindness
March 12, 2020 – Moler Elementary School
While the majority of the country is spending their time “strategically” filling out their NCAA College Basketball Tournament Brackets and aggressively monitoring each game during March Madness, we are carrying out one of our largest intentional acts of kindness of the year. We provide EVERY student at Moler Elementary School with 6-8 toys during our annual March Gladness Toy Giveaway.
Toys Uncover Hidden Joy
Varying financial hardships disqualify many of our students from receiving gifts during the Holiday Season and/or from having an enjoyable birthday celebration. Our Toy Giveaway creates smiles, laughter, and the ultimate expression of the “good life,” joy! All kids deserve to experience joy, but most importantly, that you don’t have to wait for a reason to pay if forward.
An Inexpressible and Glorious Joy
Moments that you can't quite put into words.
Volunteer for Our Toy Giveaway
We’d love to have you join our Toy Giveaway Event staff. Help us set-up, distribute toys, uncover joy, and make a difference in the lives of children.